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Accessing the TWS Python API Source Code

Lesson 3 of 10
Duration 4:53
Level Intermediate
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We’ll begin by describing how to obtain access to the TWS Python API open source code repository on GitHub, and explain the differences between the public download site and the private GitHub repository which has bleeding-edge source. We then discuss what the source code consists of and what it does, with a high-level view of the API architecture, and mention some of the many different environments in which Python API programs are being run.

Study Notes:

First, we’ll ask the basic question:

Broadly speaking, what does the API source consist of and what does it actually do?

The API source code serves the purpose of defining the available messages which can be exchanged between TWS and an external API application. The messages are exchanged via a TCP socket connection and most commonly use a subscribe-and-publish, or “pub/sub” pattern in which a message is sent from an API client to subscribe to a particular type of data, after which TWS will publish updates about that data type as it occurs in real-time. The API source code also helps to translate those lower-level messages into a higher form which are more convenient for programmers.

The API is open source and maintained using the Git version control system and hosted on the online repository GitHub ( All updates made to the API source over time are tracked in using Git, and to make updates to the API source it is necessary to use the Git program.

The TWS API downloads and guides can be found under the Trading > API’s menu. This will take you to an API overview page which shows you the different technologies in which the API is offered.

After scrolling down to “Trader Worksation (TWS) API”, here’s where you’ll see the button Downloads & Resources. This section expands for downloads, user guides, release notes for both the TWS API and IB Gateway.

The direct link to the API download site is

Within the user guide are snippets of sample code taken from the downloaded sample projects distributed with the API and installed to the samples folder.

Our default installation location for these files will be:

 ‘C:TWS APIsamples’ for Windows users

 ‘{HOME}/IBJTS’ for Linux or MacOS.

After choosing a section on the left in the reference guide to show the description of a particular type of functionality, choose ‘Python’ from the menu at the top to display the associated sample code in the Python Language.

From the API resources section of our APIs page is a link to the API Release Notes which details updates and any new features. These release notes are typically updated several times per year.

Clicking on the “Software: TWS API” button takes you to a license agreement for the API source. The default agreement is a non-commercial, which means the API can’t be provided with commercial software, however a commercial license agreement is also available upon request.

To use the TWS Python API, you will need to download at least API version 9.81 or higher.

You’ll notice that there are separate downloads on left and right for Windows and for Mac/Unix. For Python, the API source code is identical in the Windows and Mac/Linux distributions. Using the Python API does not require any Windows registry changes and so on Windows the Python source can be obtained using either the MSI Installer or zip file if you don’t have administrator access.

It is important to keep in mind that the site is the public API download site, however it is also possible to request access to the private GitHub repository if you have a GitHub account, which is free to open, by following the instructions under the ‘Beta’ link on the download page. The source available on the private GitHub repository is referred to as Beta version of the API. Once you have access to the private GitHub repository

if you are familiar with Git version control it’s possible to make pull requests directly to the API sources and to raise new issues for the developers on the GitHub repository site.

On Windows, after running the API installer there should be a folder called C:TWS API where the API is installed and folder for the Python source code at: C:TWS APIsourcepythonclient. 

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Disclosure: API Examples Discussed

Throughout the lesson, please keep in mind that the examples discussed are purely for technical demonstration purposes, and do not constitute investment advice, an investment recommendation or investment research. Also, it is important to remember that placing trades in a paper account is recommended before any live trading.

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